Articles and Research

There have been several articles and conference presentations written around the Manutention Method in Australia. Here are the links to some of those.

Best, M, 2001. Manual Handling Risk Management in Health Care using Manutention. Safety Science Monitor, 5, (1).

Massy-Westropp, M and Rose, D, 2004. The Impact of Manual Handling Training on Workplace Injuries:
A 14 year audit. Australian Health Review, 27, (2), 80 - 87.

MacRae, J, 2004. Employer Perspectives of Manutention Approach to Training for Effective Patient Handling.
Paper and poster presented Manual Handling of People Conference, Adelaide.

Nicholson, K, 2007. Assessing Manutention Skill: The AAMP Standards Referenced Assessment System:A report on a research project that developed and validated an assessment system for manual handling skills.

Nicholson, K and Gillis, S, 2003. Competent/ Not Yet Competent: What does this mean in a manual handling training program?
Paper presented at NZARE/AARE Joint Conference NZ.