Manutention and WHS

Systems Approach and Manutention

Manutention sits well within a risk management framework recognising the need for well designed workplaces, appropriate and adequate equipment, adequate staffing levels and team work. Manutention is one control strategy within the risk management process that systematically identifies, assesses and controls for hazards, and reviews their effectiveness.

Training in risk management processes, the hierarchy of control and the Code of Practice: Hazardous Manual Tasks are built into each training course. As you progress through each level, a higher degree of application of risk management skills, problem solving abilities and control strategy implementation is required. In each accredited course, activities concerning work health and safety legislation and regulations and the Code of Practice: Hazardous Manual Tasks are included.

Participants are always encouraged to work through the hierarchy of control:
  • Can the task be eliminated?
  • Can the load be substituted or broken down into something easier? 
  • Can engineering or equipment solutions, changing the layout and/ altering the system of work be implemented?
  • Should two or more people be used for the task?
  • Can effort be minimised by using the properties of the load or the capabilities of the person being assisted?

Manutention and Ergonomics

Ergonomics and Manutention work well together. In using ergonomics to design the workplace to suit the worker, ergonomics achieves optimal working conditions and work flows. If, on top of that, the worker is competent in use of Manutention postures and actions, they will adopt self protective working postures and habits, allowing them to work with comfort, security and efficiency and reduce the risk of injury.


Manutention and No Lift / Minimal Lift

Manutention is compatible with no lift or minimal lift policies. Slide sheets, height adjustable beds, hoists and trolleys are all part of the Manutention training courses. Throughout the courses, the trainer will focus on the participant's positioning in relation to the equipment and environment to maximise the use of their body weight, rather than muscle strength (lifting) to obtain movement of the load.